Plant species used on a green roof will vary depending on the soil depth and type of green roof system. Extensive green roof systems can be planted from cuttings, plugs, or pre-grown mat. Intensive roof garden systems can have a wide variety of herbaceous species; their success depends on several factors in the roof design, such as the type of irrigation system used. Please refer to our FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions about green roof installations.
Hardy, drought tolerant plants, such as sedums, are the best suited to handle the weather conditions that exist on a rooftop. Typically native to seashore, alpine, and desert regions, these plants are most likely to withstand vast amounts of sun, wind, and rain. We recommend a light study of each roof prior to creating a planting plan.
Photos Courtesy of Emory Knoll Farms Inc.
With the exception of Aquilegia Canadensis ‘Little Lanterns’ which is a Jelitto breeding
Plant Name: Aquilegia canadensis ‘Little Lanterns
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom Time: early spring to mid-spring
Notes: May not survive in times of drought.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 69
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: mid-summer
Notes: A widely distributed wildflower used in meadow-style green roof designs.
Plant Name: Achillea tomentosa
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: mid-summer
Notes: Similar in foliage habit to ‘Achillea millefolium’, but with a much showier bloom.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to mid-summer
Notes: Nice mounding habit suitable for a border. Needs additional water during dry periods.
Plant Name: Alchemilla saxatilis
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom Time: mid-summer to mid-autumn
Notes: Slow creeping groundcover.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late summer
Notes: Reliable North American native. Nodding flower habit.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Most common allium for green roofs; has culinary use as well.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early autumn
Notes: Interesting foliage plant with spiraling blue-green leaves. Provides much needed color late in the season.
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Ornamental plant with gray-green foliage and red accents under the flower petals. Will not survive in hot, humid weather, use in cooler summer locations.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Flowers don’t open fully; more attractive in bud. Stoloniferous nature; may creep around the roof. West coast native.
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: mid-summer
Notes: Commonly used on German green roofs. Can be weedy. Will not survive long dry periods.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: mid-spring to mid-summer
Notes: Plant familiar to rock gardeners; can be used on green roofs to create a mounding effect.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: mid-spring
Notes: Pacific Northwest native. Salt tolerant; good choice for green roofs that receive ocean spray.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: late summer
Notes: Uninteresting flowers, but good foliage. Shrublike in nature when mature.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: spring
Notes: A darker purple cultivar of ‘Aster alpinus’.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: spring
Notes: Stunning flower; used with grasses.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Very floriferous, sweetly scented flower; trailing habit makes it useful for hanging over an edge.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Drought tolerant grass from the plains; better long-term success if planted in mounded medium and cared for until established.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late summer
Notes: Semi-shrub habit when mature. Needs reliable water and good drainage.
Plant Name: Carex flacca
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Semi-evergreen grass. can tolerate some salt spray. No significant flower presence.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Commonly used as accent on European green roofs. Will produce a viable seed, but won’t become a pest.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early autumn
Notes: US native with late yellow bloom. Water to establish
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Abundant white flowers, can hang over edges.
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: mid-summer to mid-autumn
Notes: Unusual flower color, with rapid growth.
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: White-flowering plant from Denver.
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: mid-summer to mid-autumn
Notes: Most common ‘Delospera’ in the trade. Rapid growth with large flowers.
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: mid-summer to mid-autumn
Notes: Stunning flower color that fades with sunlight, resulting in multiple shades of red.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Bright blooms. Not long live on the roof
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: spring
Notes: Most hardy of the ‘Delosperma’. Blooms only in the spring; foliage turns pink in cold weather.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom Time: mid-summer
Notes: Reflective inflorescences give it a presence in morning and evening light. Needs irrigation and some shade.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6″
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: spring to summer
Notes: Feathery white flowers with long bloom period.
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6″ Light Conditions: full sun Bloom Time: mid-summer Notes: Butter yellow flowers on delicate stems. Only yellow wild dianthus.
Plant Name: Dracocephalum ruyschiana
Hardiness: Zone
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: Full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Rock garden plant with hooded deep blue flowers; best viewed clos up in an accessible rooftop garden
Plant Name: Echium russicum
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: Tall red spikes and long bloom time make this a good plant for a border.
Plant Name: Echium vulgare
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Small thorns on the stems.
Plant Name: Erigeron glaucus
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Pacific Northwest native, salt-tolerant
Plant Name: Erigeron glaucus ‘Albus’
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Big showy white flowers. Salt tolerant. Needs water during dry periods.
Plant Name: Eriophyllum lanatum
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Western native with great show of yellow flowers. Needs irrigation in dry summers.
Plant Name: Festuca idahoenses
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Can be used in mass plantings, but may need to be divided or replanted over time.
Plant Name: Fragaria chiloensis
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Wild strawberry with edible fruit. Can be used to attract birds in habitat creation.
Plant Name: Goniolimon incanum
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late summer
Notes: Small plant with spray of pink flowers.
Plant Name: Herniaria glabra
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: late summer
Notes: More drought-tolerant than thyme; rarely flowers. Can be used to hang over an edge.
Plant Name: Hieracium aurantiacum
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: Vibrant orange flowers atop thin stems can bloom into the fall. Deadheading is required to keep it from spreading over the roof.
Plant Name: Hieracium pilosella
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: Most vigorous of the ‘Hieracium’, forms a tight mat and spreads by seeds and stolons.
Plant Name: Hieracium villosum
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: Very hairy leaves; attractive when covered with morning dew.
Plant Name: Iris humilis
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: mid-spring
Notes: Needs a dry period after flowering.
Plant Name: Koeleria macrantha
Hardiness: Zone 2
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Short, clumping grass; rare in some mid-Atlantic states. Rare in the wild, so good for habitat restoration.
Plant Name: Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote Superior’
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: late summer
Notes: One of the best lavenders; upright, strong bloomer.
Plant Name: Lychnis alpina
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: late spring
Notes: Nice structure, but not long-lived. May need to be replanted or resown to maintain.
Plant Name: Oenothera caespitosa
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: Western US native. White, fragrant blooms toward evening. Very drought tolerant once established.
Plant Name: Oenothera macrocarpa subsp.
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: South-central US native. Foliage adds to its ornamental value and drought tolerance.
Plant Name: Opuntia humifusa
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Cactus native in the eastern and central US. Very drought resistant. Sharp spines; avoid planting in public spaces.
Plant Name: Orostachys aggregeatum
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early autumn
Notes: Like all ‘Orostachys’, sends out plantlets on stolons in the spring and summer, creating a mat of green rosettes.
Plant Name: Orostachys boehmeri
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early autumn
Notes: Unusual gray foliage and dunce cap-shaped flower stalks in the fall.
Plant Name: Othonna capensis
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: late spring to mid-autumn
Notes: Daisy-like yellow flowers bloom continuously in response to bright sun. May not bloom on cloudy days. Needs sharp drainage; more likely to die from winter wet than cold.
Plant Name: Papaver alpinum hybrids
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early summer
Notes: Can be sown directly or from plugs. May act as an annual in hot locations.
Plant Name: Petrorhagia saxifraga
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun
Bloom Time: early to late summer
Notes: Common in Europe. Lots of small pink flowers throughout the summer. May need to be cut back before winter on ornamental roofs.
Plant Name: Phlox sublata
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6”
Light Conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom Time: early spring to mid-spring
Notes: Eastern US native. An early season opportunity for color with Phlox.
Plant Name: Potentilla aurea
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early summer
Notes: Small plant with shiny foliage.
Plant Name: Potentilla crantzii
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-spring
Notes: Northern US, European native.
Plant Name: Salvia argentea
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Large, fuzzy leaves are dramatic. Remove flower stalks before the seed ripens to prolong life.
Plant Name: Salvia jurisicii
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Good choice for Mediterranean conditions; fine-textured foliage.
Plant Name: Salvia pratensis
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Long-lived plant stays upright. Will not tolerate extended periods with wet medium.
Plant Name: Saponaria ocymoides
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Low groundcover is long-lived; needs irrigation.
Plant Name: Scilla mischtschenkoana
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: late winter, early spring
Notes: Early blooming plant, very cold hardy. Bulbs need water during a dry spring.
Plant Name: Scutellaria alpina ‘Moonbeam’
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: late spring to late summer
Notes: Buttery yellow flowers have a golden lip; long bloom period.
Plant Name: Sedum ‘Green Spruce’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Looks like a tiny Douglas Fir, with umbrella-like yellow flowers. Slow to fill in.
Plant Name: Sedum ‘Matrona’
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early autumn
Notes: Provides some height when planted in thin medium.
Plant Name: Sedum aizoon ‘Euphorbioides’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Shrubby plant with red stems and strong foliage.
Plant Name: Sedum album ‘Chloroticum’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: A true evergreen with very small leaves. Slow-growing and not a reliable flowerer.
Plant Name: Sedum album ‘France’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Large-leaf form used for more presence and structure.
Plant Name: Sedum album
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: A staple for green roofs. Viable from seeds, cuttings, and plugs. Foliage turns red in the winter.
Plant Name: Sedum cauticola ‘Lidakense’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early autumn
Notes: Can be used in drifts.
Plant Name: Sedum divergens
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Does not like hot, humid summers in the eastern and midwestern US.
Plant Name: Sedum Floriferum
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 3”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Good ground cover. Drought tolerant.
Plant Name: Sedum forsterianum subsp. elegens
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Best used where summer heat and humidity are low.
Plant Name: Sedum hybridum ‘Czar’s Gold’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: late spring
Notes: Good color for winter interest. Reliable from seed.
Plant Name: Sedum hybridum ‘Immergrunchen’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Keeps its foliage through much of the winter.
Plant Name: Sedum kamtschaticum var. kamtschaticum ‘Variegatum’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Green and white variegation on leaves, becomes solid green over time. Turns reddish in fall.
Plant Name: Sedum kamtschaticum
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: From a distance looks similar to pachysandra
Plant Name: Sedum kamtschaticum var. kamtschaticum ‘Variegatum’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Green and white variegation on leaves, becomes solid green over time. Turns reddish in fall.
Plant Name: Sedum ochroleucum
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: A straw-colored flower and pink highlights on the foliage as the weather cools.
Plant Name: Sedum pachyclados
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: shade
Bloom time: early to mid-summer
Notes: Good choice for wet and shade. Slow grower can take altitude.
Plant Name: Sedum pluricaule ‘Rosenteppich’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: late spring to late summer
Notes: Tight groundcover when established. May take some care to establish if planting in the summer. Foliage has pink tinges in cold weather.
Plant Name: Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Does not reliably flower; winter interest.
Plant Name: Sedum rupestre
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Widely used on US green roofs. Strong blue-green foliage color and tall, striking yellow blooms. May fade in wet summers, but reappears in dry periods.
Plant Name: Sedum seiskianum
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Often mislabeled in the trade. All parts of the plant are hairy. Mounds of green foliage in late summer.
Plant Name: Sedum sexangulare
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Highly adaptable foundation plant for any location. Can thrive in shade and moisture. Foliage turns russet color in cool weather.
Plant Name: Sedum sieboldii
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-autumn
Notes: Mounding habit. Needs more care to establish than groundcover sedums.
Plant Name: Sedum spathulifolium
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Loves the moist Pacific Northwest, but does not do well in the midwestern or eastern US.
Plant Name: Sedum spurium ‘John Creech’
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Has the widest geographic range of the ‘spurium’ sedums; used in US from New England to Georgia.
Plant Name: Sedum spurium ‘Roseum’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early autumn
Notes: Tough in drought and good for cuttings planted directly on the roof
Plant Name: Sedum spurium ‘Voodoo’
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: autumn
Notes: Dark red foliage into winter. Attractive in drifts.
Plant Name: Sedum spurium var. album
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom time: autumn
Notes: Late-season white flower
Plant Name: Sedum stenopetalum
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Good native of western US. Foliage turns red in winter.
Plant Name: Sedum telephioides
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early autumn
Notes: The only tall native sedum suitable for green roof application. Pink stems may be floppy in rich medium.
Plant Name: Sedum ternatum
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: mixed sun/shade, shade
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Native of eastern US found along stream edges. Drought tolerant, but needs protection from full sun. Use in shadows or near drains.
Plant Name: Sedum urvillei
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to late summer
Notes: Tight growth habitat, able to take summer heat. Foliage turns red in winter.
Plant Name: Sempervivum ‘Blue Boy’
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Large rosettes; will mound over time.
Plant Name: Sempervivum ‘Oddity’
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Unusual looking plant with pincushion of tube-like leaves.
Plant Name: Sempervivum ‘Silver Thaw’
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Small, tight rosettes; easily forms dense mounds.
Plant Name: Sesleria autumnalis
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: early autumn
Notes: Not that attractive as an accent, but effective in a mass, with golden fall color.
Plant Name: Silene acaulis
Hardiness: Zone 2
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: late spring
Notes: Extremely cold-hardy dwarf. Can be used on green roofs in northern US and at altitudes.
Plant Name: Silene caroliniana subsp.
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: late spring
Notes: Native of US east coast. May not be long-lived; needs additional water beyond rainfall.
Plant Name: Silene uniflora ‘Compacta’
Hardiness: Zone 3
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to late summer
Notes: Used in smaller scale plantings. Good mounding habit; interesting flower structure.
Plant Name: Talinum calcinum
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to mid-autumn
Notes: The showiest of the talinums, can be used as an annual in areas colder than its hardiness zone. Like all talinums, a favorite of honeybees, and foliage will disappear with first frost.
Plant Name: Talinum teretifolium
Hardiness: Zone 6
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer to mid-autumn
Notes: Smooth texture, drought tolerant.
Plant Name: Thymus citriodorus
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: mid-summer
Notes: Colorful foliage and lemony scent makes lemon thyme ideal for in between pavers and walkways. Needs additional water during drought.
Plant Name: Thymus pulegioides
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: late spring to mid-autumn
Notes: Strong bloomer, rapid groundcover. Like all thymes, can suffer in summer humidity.
Plant Name: Townsendia eximia
Hardiness: Zone 4
Media Depth: 4”
Light conditions: full sun
Bloom time: early to mid-summer
Notes: Acts like an annual on green roofs. Does best in western US.
Plant Name: Veronica prostrata
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: late spring
Notes: Bigger, more showy flowers than the true carpet veronica. Will need reliable water.
Plant Name: Veronica repens
Hardiness: Zone 5
Media Depth: 6”
Light conditions: full sun, mixed sun/shade
Bloom time: late spring
Notes: Can tolerate some foot traffic and can be used between pavers. Needs irrigation.
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